Spread your wings with the specialist video training course in soaring flight!


<div class="editor-content"><p>Greg Hamerton, Chief Instructor</p></div>,

Discover where the lift is, how to avoid turbulence, flow through the traffic … and glide effectively!

Greg Hamerton, Chief Instructor

Why take the SOARING FLIGHT course?

Your training school often limits exposure to soaring conditions, because the wind is strong and personal attention becomes difficult when the whole school is in the air. So vital skills can be skipped, like dealing with congested airspace and what to do when you’re pinned by the wind.

There is much more to soaring than first meets the eye but once you know all the tricks, it's easy to get the aerial advantage!

<div class="editor-content"><p>Develop soaring skills</p></div>

Develop soaring skills

so you can build airtime safely

<div class="editor-content"><p>Understand all the rules</p></div>

Understand all the rules

Be prepared for intense aerial traffic

<div class="editor-content"><p>Know the secrets</p></div>

Know the secrets

Get the best out of your paraglider

Lessons Plan


The fundamentals of flying along a cliff line, demonstrating the best use of brakes, turns and positioning.


How to SOAR with others

Paragliding on a club site in a friendly way, learning how to stay up and follow the ridge rules without causing a conflict.



Ridge soaring transitions, scratching on valley sides and soaring up a mountain. Now you’re getting good!



A soaring masterclass in busy air, demonstrating how to manage your position using defensive flying strategies.



A ‘slow TV’ episode to help you build more familiarity with flying through the crowds, and hooking into a thermal!


SMALL WINGS for soaring?

A discussion about the speed problem and exploring the world of miniwings for soaring in stronger winds.


Where is the TURBULENCE?

A deep dive into the sources of turbulence and how to anticipate where they will be.



Livestream replay discussing how to soar everything from wave lift to small hills, and what you need to consider.


TRAFFIC puzzles

Essential revision for aerial traffic scenarios. See if you can identify the problems ... and solutions.


Finding your BEST GLIDE

How to make good use of the aerodynamics when fighting headwinds and sink, including speed to fly and polar curves.



What to do when you make a mistake and find yourself soaring in too much wind...



Advanced soaring SLOW TV. Watch the action and consider how you'd fly in these less-than-ideal conditions.


Course summary and TEST!

Here's what you’ve learned in SOARING FLIGHT. Now test your knowledge!


Know your stuff?

Watch all the videos, work on the practical tasks and get over 80% in the SOARING FLIGHT test, to earn your FLIGHT LEVEL 4 certificate!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is it for?

This course is for pilots who want to improve their soaring with paragliders. This will work during your training but really comes into its own after school, to extend your skills and fill in any gaps in your knowledge.

How does the course work?

This is a week-long course. Every day you can work through about one hour of new video lessons. This gives you time to absorb each key skill. You can return to any lesson at any time thereafter.

What is included in the course?

Over 6 hours of specialised video training with Greg Hamerton. There’s also a task sheet for you to develop your skills, and a test at the end of the course to see if you can apply the concepts to common problems. If you get more than 80% you can earn your FLIGHT LEVEL 4 certificate!

Available in application stores for mobile Available in application stores for mobile tablet and phone

Get your lessons anywhere

Accessible on all devices including iOS, Android, MACs and PCs. You can even Cast to your TV!

Most of the lessons are subtitled in English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.

Structured learning

Continue your journey upwards through the FLIGHT LEVELS system. Soaring Flight builds upon Launch Skills and gets you ready for Paraglider Control. What you learn here will prepare you for getting airtime all around the world.

Let's get soaring!

Over six hours of informative video training that builds an unbeatable skills set. Study the secrets of effective soaring and get the advantage.

What is the Academy?

The complete pilot training system

Find out more